E2 Visa Lawyer

How to Get a Good E2 Visa Lawyer Without Stress

If you are looking to invest in and operate a business in the United States through an E-2 visa, it is important to work with a good E2 visa lawyer who can guide you through the application process and ensure a successful visa application in the United States.

How to get e2 visa lawyer
E2 Visa Lawyer Consultation

Finding a good E2 visa lawyer can seem overwhelming, but with a few simple steps, you can identify a qualified attorney who can provide the legal guidance and support you need.

This guide will walk you through the process of finding a good E2 visa lawyer without stress, including how to search for lawyers, what questions to ask during a consultation, and what to expect during the application process.

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Note that with the right legal guidance, you can achieve your goals of investing and operating a business in the United States through an E-2 visa.

What is E-2 Visa?

E2 Visa Lawyer
American Flag With USA Passport – E2 Visa Lawyer

The E-2 visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows individuals from certain countries to invest in and operate a business in the United States. To qualify for an E-2 visa, the applicant must be a national of a country that has a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States, and must have invested, or be actively in the process of investing, a substantial amount of capital in a U.S. business.

The E-2 visa is often used by entrepreneurs, investors, and small business owners who want to establish a business presence in the United States. The visa allows the holder and their immediate family members to reside and work in the United States for an initial period of up to two years, with the possibility of renewals.

To obtain an E-2 visa, the applicant must provide evidence of their investment in the U.S. business, including a detailed business plan and evidence of the necessary investment funds. The application process can be complex, and it is recommended to seek the assistance of an experienced E-2 visa lawyer.

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Interestingly, the E-2 visa provides a pathway for individuals from certain countries to invest in and operate a business in the United States, and can be an attractive option for those looking to establish a business presence in the U.S.

Who is an E2 Visa Lawyer?

An E2 visa lawyer is an attorney who specializes in helping clients obtain E-2 visas, which allow individuals from certain countries to invest in and operate a business in the United States. E-2 visa lawyers are knowledgeable about the requirements for obtaining an E-2 visa and can provide legal guidance and support throughout the application process.

E-2 visa lawyers can help you prepare the necessary documentation, such as a detailed business plan and evidence of the necessary investment funds, and can represent you in any legal proceedings related to your visa application. They can also provide legal advice on any issues that may arise during the application process, such as changes in immigration policy or changes in the law.

When looking for an E-2 visa lawyer, it is important to choose someone who has experience working with clients in your specific industry and who is familiar with the E-2 visa requirements. You can search for E-2 visa lawyers online, ask for referrals from friends or colleagues, or consult with legal directories and professional associations.

Basically, working with an experienced E-2 visa lawyer can help ensure that your application is successful and that you can invest in and operate a business in the USA.

E2 Visa Lawyer
Benefits of hiring E2 Visa Lawyer

Benefits of Havin an E2 Visa Lawyer

Oftentimes, people do ask does it worth it hiring an E2 visa lawyer? What do i stand to gain by hiring an E-2 visa lawyer when I can comfortably apply for my e2 visa myself. But to clear your curiosity, here are some tips why you need an E2 visa lawyer.

Finding a good E-2 visa lawyer can provide many benefits when seeking an E-2 visa, including:

  • Increased Chance of Visa Approval: E-2 visa lawyers have experience and expertise in preparing E-2 visa applications, which can increase your chances of approval. They understand the specific requirements of the application process and can help you navigate any challenges that may arise.
  • Save Time and Money: Working with an E-2 visa lawyer can save you time and money in the long run. Lawyers can streamline the application process, help you avoid mistakes, and provide solutions to any legal issues that may arise, ultimately reducing the time and costs associated with the application process.
  • Expert Legal Guidance: E-2 visa lawyers can provide expert legal guidance throughout the application process. They can advise you on the legal requirements for obtaining an E-2 visa, help you avoid mistakes and errors, and provide solutions to any legal issues that may arise.
  • Personalized Attention: A good E-2 visa lawyer will provide personalized attention to your case, taking the time to understand your specific circumstances and goals, and creating a tailored plan to help you achieve your objectives.
  • Access to Networks and Resources: E-2 visa lawyers often have access to networks and resources that can be beneficial to your application, such as business consultants and immigration experts. They can provide valuable insights and connections that can help you succeed in your E-2 visa application

Important Tasks E2 Visa Lawyer Should Perform

Before Hiring an e2 visa lawyer, it’s import you know the things they can help you do both during and after the e-2 visa application process.

Here are some important tasks that an E-2 visa lawyer should perform to help you obtain an E-2 visa:

  1. Assess Eligibility: The E-2 visa lawyer should review your specific circumstances and assess whether you are eligible for an E-2 visa, including your nationality, the nature of your business investment, and your financial capacity.
  2. Prepare Application Materials: The E-2 visa lawyer should prepare all the necessary application materials, including the detailed business plan, evidence of investment funds, and supporting documents.
  3. Review and Edit Documents: The E-2 visa lawyer should review and edit all application materials to ensure that they meet the specific requirements of the E-2 visa application and are free from errors.
  4. Submit Application: The E-2 visa lawyer should submit the completed application to the appropriate government agency, along with any necessary supporting documents.
  5. Communicate with Government Agencies: The E2 visa lawyer should communicate with the government agencies responsible for processing the application and respond to any requests for additional information or documentation.
  6. Provide Legal Guidance: The E-2 visa lawyer should provide legal guidance throughout the application process and advise you on any legal issues or concerns that arise during the application process.
  7. Represent You in Legal Proceedings: If necessary, the E-2 visa lawyer should represent you in any legal proceedings related to your E-2 visa application, such as appeals or requests for reconsideration.

Overall, working with an experienced E2 visa lawyer can help ensure that your application is successful and that you can invest in and operate a business in the United States.

E2 Visa Lawyer
E2 Visa Lawyer

How to Search for a Good E2 Visa Lawyer

Here are some tips on how to search for a good E2 visa lawyer:

  • Ask for Referrals: Reach out to friends, colleagues, or other professionals who may have experience with E-2 visa applications and ask for referrals for an experienced E2 visa lawyer.
  • Search Online: Conduct an online search for E-2 visa lawyers and read through their websites to learn about their experience, expertise, and services. Look for lawyers who specialize in immigration law and who have experience working with clients in your specific industry.
  • Professional Associations: Check legal directories and professional associations such as the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) to find E-2 visa lawyers who are qualified and have experience with E-2 visa applications.
  • Look for Reviews and Ratings: Look for online reviews and ratings of E-2 visa lawyers to gain insight into the quality of their services and their track record in helping clients obtain E-2 visas.
  • Make an Initial Consultation: Once you have identified potential E-2 visa lawyers, schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case and ask questions about their experience and qualifications. Use this consultation to determine whether the lawyer is a good fit for your needs.

Important Questions to Ask During a Consultation with E2 Visa Lawyer

Here are some questions to ask during a consultation with an E-2 visa lawyer:

1. What is your experience with E-2 visa applications? Ask about their experience working with clients in your industry and their success rate in obtaining E-2 visas.

2. What is your strategy for my case? Ask the lawyer to explain their strategy for preparing and submitting your E-2 visa application.

3. What are the potential challenges in my case? Ask the lawyer to identify any potential challenges or issues that may arise during the application process and how they plan to address them.

4. What are the costs and fees associated with the application process? Ask the lawyer to provide a clear breakdown of the costs and fees associated with preparing and submitting your E-2 visa application.

5. What is the expected timeline for my case? Ask the lawyer to provide an estimate of the expected timeline for your E-2 visa application and any potential delays or factors that could affect the timeline.

6. How will you communicate with me throughout the application process? Ask the lawyer about their communication process and how frequently they will provide updates on your case.

7. What is your approach to client representation? Ask the lawyer to explain their approach to client representation and how they plan to work with you throughout the application process.

Tips: Asking these questions during a consultation with an E-2 visa lawyer can help you determine whether the lawyer is a good fit for your needs and can provide the guidance and support you need to obtain an E-2 visa or not.

E2 Visa Lawyer: Things to Know
E2 Visa Lawyer

Things to Expect During the E-2 Visa Application Process

The E-2 visa application process can vary depending on your specific circumstances, but here are some general steps you can expect:

Consultation with an E-2 Visa Lawyer: The first step in the E-2 visa application process is usually to consult with an experienced E-2 visa lawyer. The lawyer will assess your eligibility for the E-2 visa, advise you on the requirements and processes involved, and guide you through the application process.

Gathering Documents: You will need to gather and provide all the necessary documentation to support your E-2 visa application. This includes proof of your investment in a U.S. business, evidence of the source of your investment funds, and any other documentation required by the U.S. government.

Preparing the Business Plan: You will need to prepare a comprehensive business plan that demonstrates the viability and profitability of your U.S. business. Your business plan should include financial projections, marketing strategies, and a detailed explanation of the business model.

Filing the Application: Once you have gathered all the necessary documents and prepared the business plan, your E-2 visa lawyer will file your application with the U.S. government. The application will be reviewed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

USCIS Processing: After the USCIS receives your application, it will review it for completeness and compliance with the requirements of the E-2 visa. If the USCIS determines that your application is complete and meets the requirements, it will issue a notice of approval.

Visa Issuance: After the notice of approval, you will need to apply for the E-2 visa at a U.S. consulate or embassy in your home country. You will need to attend an interview and provide additional documentation before the visa can be issued.

How to Qualify for an E2 Visa

To qualify for an E-2 visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Treaty Country: You must be a citizen of a country that has a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States that includes provisions for E-2 visas. A list of treaty countries can be found on the U.S. Department of State website.
  • Investment: You must have made a substantial investment in a U.S. business. There is no set minimum investment amount, but the investment must be substantial enough to ensure the successful operation of the business.
  • Ownership: You must own at least 50% of the U.S. business, or you must have operational control through a managerial position or other corporate device.
  • Non-Marginality: The U.S. business must not be marginal, meaning it must have the capacity to generate significantly more than enough income to provide a living for you and your family.
  • Intent to Depart: You must have the intent to depart the United States when your E-2 visa status expires. This can be demonstrated by showing that you have maintained a residence in your home country, that you have family ties or other connections in your home country, and that you have no intent to abandon your home country.
  • Essential Employee: If you are an employee of a treaty investor, you must be an essential employee with specialized skills and knowledge that are essential to the successful operation of the U.S. business.
  • Substantial Trade: If you are applying for an E-2 visa based on substantial trade between the United States and your home country, you must demonstrate that the trade is substantial and that the trade relationship is ongoing and long-term.

Meeting these requirements can be challenging, and the E-2 visa application process can be complex. Working with an experienced E-2 visa lawyer can help ensure that your application is complete, accurate, and meets all the requirements, increasing your chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions About E-2 Visa

What is the duration of an E-2 visa?

The initial duration of an E-2 visa is usually up to two years, but it can vary depending on the treaty country and the U.S. government’s discretion. E-2 visas can be renewed indefinitely, as long as the treaty investor or essential employee continues to meet the requirements.

Can I bring my family members on an E-2 visa?

Yes, spouses and unmarried children under 21 years of age of E-2 visa holders can apply for derivative E visas to accompany the principal applicant to the United States. Spouses are also eligible to apply for work authorization in the United States.

Can I work for a company other than the one I invested in on an E-2 visa?

No, the E-2 visa is specific to the U.S. business in which the treaty investor has invested. If you want to work for another company, you must obtain a separate work visa.

Can I apply for an E-2 visa if I have not yet invested in a U.S. business?

No, you must have already made a substantial investment in a U.S. business to be eligible for an E-2 visa. However, you can consult with an E-2 visa lawyer to determine the best investment options for your particular circumstances.

Can I apply for an E-2 visa if I am already in the United States on a different visa?

Yes, you can apply for an E-2 visa while you are in the United States on a different visa. However, you must have maintained lawful nonimmigrant status in the United States and meet all the requirements for the E-2 visa.

Can I change my status to an E-2 visa while in the United States?

Yes, it is possible to change your status to an E-2 visa while in the United States if you meet all the requirements. However, this process can be complicated, and it is recommended to consult with an E-2 visa lawyer for guidance.

Can I apply for an E-2 visa if I am not a citizen of a treaty country?

No, only citizens of treaty countries are eligible for E-2 visas. However, there may be other visa options available for non-treaty country nationals.

Can I start a new business in the United States with an E-2 visa?

Yes, you can start a new business in the United States with an E-2 visa. However, you must meet all the E-2 visa requirements, including making a substantial investment and showing that the business is not marginal.

Can I apply for permanent residency with an E-2 visa?

No, an E-2 visa does not provide a direct path to permanent residency or a green card. However, treaty investors and their essential employees may be eligible for other visa categories that can lead to permanent residency.

Can I work remotely for a company in my home country while on an E-2 visa in the United States?

No, the E-2 visa is specific to the U.S. business in which the treaty investor has invested. If you want to work remotely for a company in your home country, you must obtain a separate work visa.

Frequently Asked Questions About E2 Visa Lawyer

Why do I need an E2 visa lawyer?

An E2 visa lawyer can help you navigate the complex application process and ensure that you meet all the requirements for the E2 visa. They can also provide guidance on investment options and help you prepare a strong case for approval.

How do I find a good E2 visa lawyer?

You can find a good E2 visa lawyer by asking for referrals from friends or colleagues, searching online directories of immigration lawyers, and scheduling consultations with potential lawyers to discuss their experience and qualifications.

How much does an E2 visa lawyer cost?

The cost of an E2 visa lawyer can vary depending on the lawyer’s experience and location, the complexity of your case, and the services you require. It is important to discuss fees and billing practices with potential lawyers before hiring them.

Can an E2 visa lawyer guarantee that my application will be approved?

No, no lawyer can guarantee that your E2 visa application will be approved. However, a good E2 visa lawyer can help you prepare a strong case and increase your chances of approval.

What documents do I need to provide to an E2 visa lawyer?

You will need to provide documents related to your investment and the U.S. business, including financial statements, business plans, and contracts. Your lawyer may also request personal documents such as your passport and immigration history.

How long does the E2 visa application process take?

The E2 visa application process can take several months, depending on the processing times at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country. It is important to plan ahead and apply as early as possible to avoid delays.

Can I apply for an E2 visa without a lawyer?

Yes, you can apply for an E2 visa without a lawyer. However, the application process can be complex, and it is recommended to consult with an experienced E2 visa lawyer to ensure that your application is complete and meets all the requirements.

Can an E2 visa lawyer represent me at the visa interview?

No, E2 visa lawyers are not allowed to attend visa interviews with their clients. However, your lawyer can provide guidance on the interview process and prepare you for potential questions.

How long will my E2 visa be valid?

The initial validity of an E2 visa is typically up to two years, but it can vary depending on the treaty country and the U.S. government’s discretion. E2 visas can be renewed indefinitely, as long as the treaty investor or essential employee continues to meet the requirements.

Can I work for a company other than the one I invested in on an E2 visa?

No, the E2 visa is specific to the U.S. business in which the treaty investor has invested. If you want to work for another company, you must obtain a separate work visa.


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