Do you want to travel this coming holiday? Are you looking for top travel deals, tips, and destinations? Then, search no more. JohnnyJet travel tips are at your beck and call. This post will show you 10-holiday travel tips and hacks. All you have to do is relax, grab a cup of coffee, and read to the end to get the gist.

The holidays are fast approaching. That means travelers need to prepare for packed airports and roadways. No one wants to arrive at their destination feeling like the Grinch; therefore, I’ve created a list of 10 holiday travel tips and hacks that will have you moving faster and cheaper through the crowds without losing your holiday spirit.
These tips will save you time, stress, and money that can be better spent on gifts for loved ones!
11 Holiday Travel Tips and Hacks
Below are the top 10 travel deals, tips, and hacks that will help you save time and money while traveling:
1. Allow plenty of time
Leave for the airport or your destination early. At this time of the year, there will be a massive influx of people traveling, and it may only take one person or accident to significantly slow you down. You don’t want to be rushed because it causes stress, tempers to flare, and patience to wane. That is when things begin to go wrong.
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If you’re flying, the TSA recommends arriving at the airport terminal two hours before domestic flights and three hours before international flights. Travel tip/hack: Many airports have multiple security checkpoints. Ask an employee if there is another checkpoint with shorter lines.
2. Act Fast: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
If your flight is significantly delayed or canceled, you must act quickly because there aren’t many empty seats on which airlines can rebook you. Instead of calling your loved ones to let them know what’s going on, get in line right away and, while you’re waiting to speak with an agent, call the airline and tweet them because they might be able to help you much sooner.
Johnnyjet travel tips and hacks: Sign up for a new flight tool called ‘Freebird,’ which will automatically rebook you without any hassles or extra costs.
3. Don’t spend money on a luggage cart: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
Most airports in the United States charge around $6 for a one-time use of a luggage cart. Instead of being ripped off, go outside to the arrivals curb or parking lot and look for ones left behind by previous passengers. Don’t you think this is a nice way to cut costs?
4. Find the Best Seat: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
Many people dislike sitting in the middle seat on a plane or being separated from their travel companions. As a result, reserve your seats ahead of time and double-check to ensure that the airline has not reseated you (sometimes they change the aircraft). Go to and search the airline and plane model to find out which seats are the best on your specific aircraft.
Johnnyjet travel tips & hacks: If your preferred seat isn’t available, keep checking or, better yet, set up a seat alert at The good seats usually become available because elite fliers are frequently upgraded or change their plans. As a last resort, check at the check-in counter and the gate when you arrive at the airport.
5. Make an Economy Seat Feel Like a first-class Seat
To make your coach seat feel like first class, book the bulkhead or exit row so you have plenty of legroom. Travel hack: After takeoff, convert your carry-on bag into a leg rest. That sounds great, right?
6. Wrap Your Gifts at Your Destination: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
The TSA allows wrapped gifts, but if something in the gift needs to be inspected, they will open it, and not always gently. Rather than wrapping your gifts before your flight, do so at your destination. The scissors and tape will be provided by your hotel or host. Simply bring your own wrapping paper or purchase some when you arrive.
7. Ship Your Bags: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
If you’re flying, you’ll almost certainly be checking bags. On a roundtrip ticket, most major airlines charge around $160 for two checked bags ($35 for the first checked bag and $45 for the second). Some low-cost carriers, such as Spirit, can charge up to $65 for a carry-on bag, so do your research ahead of time. Johnnyjets travel tips 1: Southwest Airlines provides customers with two free checked bags.
Travel hacks 2: If traveling domestically, ship your bags via Ground (at least five days in advance) so you don’t have to deal with checking bags, getting slapped with unexpected fees, arriving early at the airport, standing around for what seems like an eternity waiting for them to come out, risking having your belongings stolen, or the bags being lost. I didn’t even need to find a box when I checked my bag with FedEx or UPS; they shipped it as it was. Another benefit of not carrying large bags is that you can use public transportation, which can save you time and money, especially in cities like New York and Chicago.
Tip: If shipping to a hotel, call ahead to find out if they charge a “receiving fee,” which could offset the savings. More so, there are also services that will come to your home, such as LugLess.
8. Don’t Forget to Bring Food and Drink

Most flights in the United States either do not serve food or charge a fee for it. Bring your own food instead of relying on the flight attendant to decide what and when to eat. Buy food at the airport or, even better, bring it from home. Bring plenty of water with you as well.
Johnnyjets travel tips: Because you can’t bring bottled water through security, buy it on the other side or bring an empty bottle and fill it up at a water fountain to stay hydrated. Also, you should bring snacks in addition to your meal in case of any lengthy delays. In my carry-on bag, I always have granola bars and almonds. So, you can as well do so.
9. Bring Chocolates: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
When I travel, I almost always bring three bags or small boxes of chocolate—one for the gate agents, one for the flight attendants, and one for myself! Agents and attendants are among the most underappreciated and verbally abused employees in the industry, and most travelers are unaware that these individuals can make or break their trip.
Therefore, give them the chocolates you brought with a big smile, be genuine, and don’t expect anything in return.
But it’s really to thank them for their efforts because they have to deal with a slew of unhappy people for little pay and few perks. Most of the time, if there is a chance, they can give you a better seat or service. Yes, most of the time, they will.
10. Bring a Pen: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
Even before COVID-19, no one wanted to share a pen, and most airlines didn’t provide them. So, instead of asking your seatmate or waiting until you get to immigration, always bring a pen. That way, you won’t lose your place in line.
Pack multiple cheap pens so that if your seatmate asks you to borrow one, you can simply give them the extra and tell them to keep it. That way, you won’t have anything to worry about or distract you while traveling.
11. Pack Your Patience: Johnnyjet Travel Tips
Along with bringing your clothes and gear, bring your patience because the holidays bring a rush of travelers who don’t fly often, so give them a break. Johnnyjets travel tips: Take a deep breath and remember how fortunate you are to be traveling, whether to an exotic location or to see loved ones, and don’t lose sight of the spirit of the season.
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