California Scholarship Federation Inc (CSF)is inviting application from interested students to apply for the award membership. Application is free. Learn everything you need to know about the CSF and how to apply for the scholarship.

Brief History of The California Scholarship Federation
The California Scholarship Federation, started in 1921 by Charles F. Seymour, aims to reward students living in the state of California who possess high standards in academics.
The scholarship federation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California. There are approximately 1500 chapters in middle school and high schools throughout the state, and each chapter is comprised of students members who meet the eligibility requirements. Each chapter is led by a staff adviser.
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However, eligible students become members by submitting applications based on their report card grades. Meanwhile, membership is for one semester, and membership drives are held each semester within established periods dictated by the State bylaws.
Annually, conferences are held, and student awards recognizing scholastic achievement and community service are presented.
Requirements to be in the California Scholarship Federation
Below are the requirements to be a member of the CSF:
- Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 who meet requirements are eligible to join CSF. (2nd semester 9th graders can apply for Associate membership, but this membership will not count towards CSF Life Membership
- Membership in California Scholarship Federation is through school chapters. Each chapter is composed of student members who meet eligibility criteria. Moreso, each chapter is led by a staff adviser.
- Eligible students become members by submitting applications based on their report card grades. Note, membership is for one semester, and membership drives are held each semester within established periods dictated by the State bylaws.
- Annually, Conferences are held, and student awards recognizing scholastic achievement and community service are presented.
Requirements for Semester Membership
Students gain membership in CSF if they apply and have earned 10 (ten) CSF points. Points are earned on grades from the previous semester according to the following scale.
A = 3 CSF points
B = 1 CSF point
C = 0 CSF points
Note that, D or F in any course, even if not counted for CSF, disqualifies the student from membership.
According to CSF Inc “1 extra point for an A or a B in an AP, IB, or Honors-designated course, not to exceed two such points per semester
- 4 (Four) of the 10 (ten) points must come from List I courses.
- 7 (Seven) of the 10 (ten) points (including the four List I points) must come from List I and II courses. Of course, all seven points may come from List I.
- The last 3 (three) points may come from any list.
- Only 5 (five) courses (or 25 credits) may be used to earn the 10 (ten) points.
Note that courses such as P.E., teacher assistant, office aide, or repeated courses do not earn any CSF points. See the description of List I, II, III courses in Article IV, Section 6, of the CSF Bylaws on CSF Chapter Resources”.
Benefits of Being a Member of the California Scholarship Federation
- The California Scholarship Federation (CSF), Inc. offers scholarships to qualified California high school students in the form of a Life Membership or Sealbearer.
- This scholarship, established in 1921, is one of the most prestigious academic awards given to secondary school graduates in the state of California.
- The scholarships not only benefit the high school student while they are still in high school, but they also provide funding for their college or university education.
- However, to become a member of the CSF, you must be a California resident and maintain excellent academic standing.

How To Join California Scholarship Federation
To secure eligibility for CSF award membership, a student must earn a minimum of 10 CSF points from pre-approved course lists. “A” = 3 points, “B” = 1 point.
Eligibility is based only on the grades you received on last semester’s report card at PHS (see above conditions). However, semester grades from your transcript can be found in your Aeries Student Portal under Grades > >Transcript.
However, additional information can be found on the application.
How To Apply for the California Scholarship Federation
To apply for the CSF membership awards, click here.
California Scholarship Federation Application Deadline
Application period are usually at the beginning of each semester.
CSF applications must be submitted no later than the specified deadline during the announced application period. However, applications submitted after the deadline timeline will not be accepted.
Therefore, always listen to the Weekly Bulletin for the California Scholarship Federation application dates.
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